Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What's your carbon footprint?

Go to the BBC news page to calculate yours. Then go to Conservation International and see what you can do to improve your negative impact on the planet.

Finally, make a posting about your carbon foot print result and your ideas on what to do about it.

1 comment:

gabiola said...

My annual total emissions in kgs are 215.42 and my annual total emissions in tonel are 0.22. I don't know which is the average kgs or tonnel that are emitted but I think that I don't emit too much. I usually use the public transport everyday, to be more exactly the underground. I occasionally use the car when I have to do long trips. In summer I always go with my friends a week to somewhere and we always decided to go by coach. I think it's the best alternative. I like to contribute to keep the planet healthy and I know that this takes effort. It is my belief that it's important to be inform and we have to be aware of the impact our lifestyle has on the envioroment. We have to be aware what the things we buy are made of. We have to eat product from growers and when we are going to do a trip we have to consider ways we cut down on carbon emissions.