Saturday, February 23, 2008

The positive and negative impact of new technology on my life

Nowadays the new technology is growing extremelly fast and the influence that have in our lives is getting bigger and bigger. Most of the times we use the technology because this has some positive things although sometimes not.

On the one hand, the new technology help us in our everydays life. It´s useful and fast. For example, 20 years ago some people only had a computer in their hauses; now, in comparison, all the people have at least one commputer (in some cases 2 or3). This is the clearest example in the growth of the technology.

On the other hand, there are some negative points. Firstly, Internet, Chats and Messenger although there are a way of communication in some cases you don´t really know who are you talking with. Secondly, it´s a place where someones can steal your money. You have to be very careful and "click on" in the right place. If you don´t you will have a problem. Thirdly, if you connet all the times to this new technology you can have health problems. Your eyes won´t be grateful.

To sump up, the technology can help us to have a better life improving our communications and society life. However if we abuse to it we will became addicted to this technology. Take care, it´s an advice.

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